Were Sports Rorts another reason Labor lost the 2019 Election? Part 1.


Following the loss by the Labor party of the 2019 federal Election, I wrote a paper about why the Labor party lost that Election. I asked a good friend and Labor Member, John Collins to write it with me. John agreed and we set about writing a proper and in depth analysis of why Labor Lost.

My background (in Australia) was in Industrial Marketing, a discipline which involved a lot of in depth analysis of the Product, the Price of the product Promotion of the product and Place the product is promoted.

John and I did a ton of analysis. At all times we tried hard to look at the the project objectively and without our particular ideological bents. We tried hard to look at where Labor had lost, when everyone was saying it was an election Labor just couldn’t have lost.

As we continued our analysis of the Political product, we realised that Labor had a huge policy platform. A platform they had been developing for a considerable time. We realised that it was unconventional, because it didn’t actually group it’s policies under the normal headings of Industrial Relations, Foreign affairs, Health, defence etc. There was a colour coded page of policy statements. One hundred and seventy three of them in fact. But they weren’t coded. The same colour wasn’t used for Specific areas and it was just a mass of data.

We also realised the content and thought that had gone into those policy ideas was really well thought through. They ticked the “Labor values” box 100%.

What Labor didn’t do and in my view always fail to do was to work out a comprehensive yet simple message strategy. It is my view that they are doing it today……still.

So John Collins (my co author) and I decided that Labor left a Vacuum and we all know vacuum’s suck. In this case it sucked in all of the ornately Political messaging of the Coalition parties with their slick election machine. We called the paper “Filling the Vacuum”

But we didn’t stop there, we also presented it to Our State and Fedreal MP’s in a 30 page presentation.

In that presentation we talked about 4 specific areas where labor failed.

  1. They failed to understand their market.
  2. They failed to analyse their market
  3. They failed to develop a strategy
  4. They failed to Develop a comprehensive Messaging Strategy

The Worst part of the whole 4 was that they didn’t have a strategic outlook or an analytical outlook.

In fact we recommended that Labor should have two messaging strategies. One a long term message about the fight by the Unions and the Labor movement for social justice over the years and secondly, specific messaging about Election policy but tied in with the long running message.

Because this vacuum of messaging exists, it allows the Coalition parties to come in and fill the heads of the electorate with alternative message.

In this election and the past 5 elections I can remember the long run Coalition message. “Labor is no good with money, Labor is run by the Unions and that the unions are thugs.” This then morphed into a message about Bill Shorten (no one likes him because he was a Union Boss and he was a thug and everyone should be scared of him).

The other theme in the last election was that Labor is coming to Tax everyone. Coming for your Franking credits and therefore going to make your life harder. That allowed the Tim Wilson’s of this world to chair a franking credits inquiry, held mainly in areas where self funded retirees resided and came and stacked the witnesses.

A quick search on the internet showed that the Parliamentary budget office had done a costing of Labor’s policy for Senator Leyonhjelm. Over 10 years. With and without Aged pensioners (The ones on the governemnt pension). They showed the cost to the budget to be $51 billion and that the recipients of that tax break were made up of the following people, loosely termed retirees, but never explained properly either by Labor or by the Press.

When you finish your full time working life you can either go on a state pension which is paid for from Tax payers funds, you can live off your own super as a self funded retiree or you can live of a Private or Industry super fund which you have contributed to over a period of your life.

Many of those super funds have investments and when the dividends are distributed to shareholders, they are fully taxed paid, if you don’t have a Tax liability then that tax, already paid is refunded to you.

The parliamentary budget office basically showed that this would cost the budget $51 billion for all those retirees cohorts, but if you took the pensioners out it would only cost $49 billion. They even quantified the numbers. There were 360,000 pensioners who had Franking credits and Labor exempted them from the policy (half way through and too late for the scuttlebutt to take hold) The other $49 billion was made up of 870,000 retirees in the other cohorts.

Failing to explain the breakup of retirees and who it affected cheesed off the 3.7 million people on pensions, when it only affected 10% of them anyway and they were exempted after a furore in the press.

A complete failure to analyse the marketplace, segment it and then message around that segmentation, to basically refute the lies that were told by the other Political party.

That was our main finding, the lack of suitable long and short term messaging. What we found was that basically the Liberals and Nationals are superb at Politics but they are very poor policy makers, Whereas Labor are excellent policy developers but rubbish at Politics.

Many people don’t like the supine Labor, but there is another lesson to be drawn from it. That lesson is that they are not about getting into the gutter politics that the Liberals play, but that reluctance also keeps Australia from having decent and forward thinking, socially just governments.

I thought that that was the end of the analysis and sent it to anyone who asked. So when Sports Rorts appeared in the press I was interested as to what advantage such rorting gave to Coailition.

I hadn’t particularly bothered about the Sport’s Infrastructure scheme until I saw a Tweet, which basically said. “nothing to see here, they all do it” Now this tweet was written by a well known Journalist and I was a little annoyed that such a thing would be said with Zero evidence.

That sparked me into action to find out about these grants and who they went to. After all the press coverage was just rubbish really. They don’t go into the detail and they really don’t know a lot about the story themselves because they are generalists. Unkind? I don’t think so.

So I downloaded the Auditor-General’s report and read it.


From this I found out that The Australian Sports commission (Sport Australia) is not a Government department and is therefore not subject to the Commonwealth Grant rules and guidelines.

I also found out Sport Australia was set up under the Australian Sports
Commission Act 1989 (ASC Act) and this allows Sport Australia as a separate body corporate to make Grants and enter into contracts.

Sport Australia thus made their own set of guidelines under the auspices of the Board to award the funding granted to Sport Australia as grants to individuals.

The person who approved the grants in these guidelines was the Minister for Sport.

The Audit report asks a fundamental Question about the Legal authority of the Minister under the Act to grant that approval. Also whether the Board of Sport Australia had the power to confer their powers to make Grants, to the Minister.

The press entirely missed this point about legality under the Sports Administration Act. There is another question mark about the Commonwealth’s power to actually grant money to Sports infrastructure under the Australian Constitution.

So as well as the allocation of funds in a greater proportion to Coalition Electorates (again which had no evidence to it from the press) there was more than one story.

Then a spreadsheet was leaked to the ABC which showed that the Minister’s office had been tracking the granting of funds to “Marginal” and “Targeted” seats and that it was colour coded.

Once again this information wasn’t given to the general public. Just what the journalist thought about it. In my view a very unsatisfactory state of affairs. I like the detail and the facts all in the same place, not dribbled out as some sort of sensational thing written in such a way as to entertain rather than inform.

So I went to the Sport Australia web site and found the Grants under this scheme. All 684 of them worth $100M and downloaded them into a spreadsheet.


This also gave me access to the guidelines developed by Sport Australia and the assessment criteria. I learned in the Audit report that there were two assessment processes in train. The proper published one by Sport Australia and another one in the Ministers office.

So in order to have a base of facts to work from, I spent 4 days googling each Grant in the 684 and then finding the associated post code. I was then able to use the Australian Electoral Commission web site to find out which electorate the grantee was actually in. I then found out which political party won that electorate and did an analysis.

Here is that Analysis.

Spreadsheet Analysis of Sports infrastructure grants. Prepared by V.O’Grady 2020. The total of all 684 grants was $100,272,870

 Coalition total Grants419
Coalition total GrantValue61,751,371
Coalition Percentage grants61.26%
Coalition Percentage grants Value61.58%
Independent total Grants43
Independent total GrantValue6,892,089
Independent Percentage grants6.29%
Independents Percentage grants Value6.87%
Labor total Grants223
Labor total GrantValue31,629,410
Labor Percentage grants32.60%
LaborPercentage grants Value31.54%

It’s pretty clear that With a Parliament of 151 seats with

44 of them Liberal

23 LNP

10 National

6 independent and

68 Labor

There is a massive misapplication of grants to the Coalition seats. It is also clear that some of the ministers answers to the allocation of funds and particularly the proportions claimed do not pass muster.

Here is a graphical representation of the allocation of Grants.

And here is the same allocation showing Political Parties and seats.

This graph is particularly interesting as it shows the Liberal party with 44 seats was allocated $35 million , whilst the Labor party with 68 seats was allocated 4 million less, yet they have 24 more seats. Meanwhile the Nationals and the LNP who have 33 seats between them were allocated only $6 million less than Labor.

So we have a clear misapplication of funds between Political parties, which is strange because the AEC always make sure that the electors in Divisions (electorates Range between 90 to 120 thousand electors) so roughly the same numbers. Also the Political parties are only 9 seats difference in a 151 seat Parliament.

I sent my spreadsheet to several of my friends, one of them being a friend in Canberra who also decided to do an analysis. This analysis being of the funding of Sport Australia grants programs for the last 10 years. Below is a graph of Steve’s analysis.

2019 funding year (an Election year) was allocated an extra approx $100 million in funds for grants. Strange how that is also the value of the Sports Infrastructure grants program which was the subject of the Auditor’s audit.

Where are we up to now?

Well the Senate established a Senate select committee on the administration of Sports grants and that is running as I type.

There have been numerous submission to it. Some of the most interesting are from Legal experts from Sydney and Melbourne universities which also Question the legality of the scheme and the legality of the Commonwelath government to even grants grants to Sports infrastructure.

Here is the link for you to go and read some of the fascinating evidence given by the players in this game of politics.


Much of that evidence is contradictory and there is a lot of interaction between The Ministers office and the Prime Ministers Office. Most interesting of all is the inclusion of other grants streams in the process and the way particular grants in particular seats are added and swapped at will.

On other thing is that the Minister says she signed the last round of approvals on 4th April, but changes were made even on the day that the Election was called. 11th April. That is not allowed.

This is better than Hercule Poirot or Agatha Christie’s other stories, it does involve the stench of skullduggery. And there is much more to tell.

In Part 2, I will go onto describe how I was asked to help with another spreadsheet analysis of a grant stream which was 10 times as big. This one posed some problems but with an IT expert friend and going back to work mode, we did it. We actually analysed $2 billion of grants and the way they were allocated will astonish you dear reader and along with my Market analysis, I can maybe really reveal how the Coalition managed their miracle. But as always that is up to you to decide.

By Vince O'Grady

Vince emigrated to Australia in 1978 from the United Kingdom, where he was a Police Constable in Brierley Hill, on the outskirts of Birmingham in the West Midlands. He saw a great deal of dysfunctional society during his four-and-a-half years’ Police service and realised the necessity of always being truthful, factual and slow to judge others. Deciding to pursue a different career in Australia, he chose telecommunications and has worked in sales, product and marketing management in the public and private sectors. In 1981, he became ill with arthritis and ceased full-time work in 1992, when he became a sessional teacher at TAFE in a number of subjects — mainly related to manufacturing. During the Howard years, he became interested in politics and after “hiding in plain sight” for many years, joined the Labor party in 2010. Vince has many interests, including social justice, inclusion and the good old Australian “fair go” for all. He has policy interests in economics and education. His interest in history shows that we make the same mistakes over and over again and hopes to make a difference to the political debate by clear thinking and analysis rather than by trite sloganeering. In his private life, Vince enjoys woodwork and also is a keen family historian, with a very Irish paternal side and a very French Huguenot maternal side — and is a mixture of a working class and an upper middle class upbringing. He has a Bachelors degree in Business and qualifications in Workplace Training and Assessing. He is also a keen home brewer of fine ales — at least according to his son!


  1. Hi Vince
    I`m reading yours & johns opinion piece,so you`ll get a few emails as I digest it properly as I go along.

    In this election and the past 5 elections I can remember the long run Coalition message. “Labor is no good with money, Labor is run by the Unions and that the unions are thugs.” This then morphed into a message about Bill Shorten (no one likes him because he was a Union Boss and he was a thug and everyone should be scared of him).

    The above concerning Shorten is something I discussed ar length with Nart,who in the end went nutso & blocked me everywhere

    So here goes
    The first 40 years of my life was spent in Qld,my later teens & early adulthood were under Joh
    The next 17 years were 2 in the NT & 15 in SA,I`ve been in WA for 9 years now

    Shortens biggest problem & the one that nearly saw Gillard miss out was the stabbing of Rudd as PM
    So what I have learned in 9 years here in WA is that Qlders & WA folk are joined at the political hip
    When Gillard was replaced,Shorten again was involved with his faction Labor Unity

    This gave Qlders & WA voters the total shits because repairing the earlier mistake of backstabbing Rudd then backstabbing Gillard & putting Rudd back only made it all so much worse because Gillard was the first female PM

    Even though Labor made some headway in Qld & WA it was never going to be enough with Shorten as LOTO

    NSW & Vic are far more used to political bloodletting & forgiving the victor,not so Qld & WA

    Qld & WA women had two very good reasons to not support Shorten [hence Labor] they also had a third,the bullshit rape allegation against him that was fed all over social media

    Shorten thought he was the new Bob Hawke when he was elected in 2007 & began his whiteanting of Rudd immediately-it escalated after Rudd announced the MRRT & shorten sent his runner Arbib to Newscorp & the US Embassy

    In short,Shorten`s ambition nearly killed the Labor Party,yet I still like his ability to add to a future Labor gov with Albo

    If he tries [and does] again lead Labor I`m cutting up my membership card

    Regards Henry


  2. Your evaluation of #SportsRorts is second to none,your forensic work has always been 1st class Vince & it`s a pleasure to have made your acquaintance because of it {Ashbygate]

    In all honesty the Labor executive should commission some jobs from you IMHO

    1. Thanks for all your comments Henry,

      Always good to hear differing opinions. That is what having an open mind is all about. I don’t know anything really about Shorten but that business about Rudd, Gillard Rudd was the reason they didn’t manage to hang on to power and really the reason the country has gone down the gurgler in the last 6 years.

      I think the whole thing can be summed up in the following.

      “Labor is very good at Social policy development and implementation but rubbish at politics”

      The Coalition parties are rubbish at Policy development for everyone but their rich mates and superb at politics.”

      When you read the Labor values statement and their platform, it’s fabulous, but their abilities stop there. They really haven’t a clue about how to sell their ideas to the public.

      As a member who agrees with most of their ideas (apart from selling off large chunks of Australia and Industry to overseas interests), I find this enormously frustrating.

      I have found the Staff of MP’s to be very pleasant people but their skills in the usage of analytical tools needed to take the fight up to the coalition are completely missing.

      Essentially, they are people working for a party of the workers who have no idea of hard work. NO real work experience either. and lastly a huge listening problem. that also goes for the people they work for.

      The skill of the liberals in selling messages is born out in the idea that Australians don’t need unions anymore. An idea fostered and essentially completed by John Howard. After Hawke and the years of accord, Howard built on that good work by convincing people in Industry that they didn’t need to have expensive maintenance Electricians and Fitters and turners in their factories So they all got rid of them. At the same time he changed the way they worked and gave them the idea that they were now business people and ran their own small businesses.

      Sucked in by that message they thought they had gone up in the world. Now they had to compete for work and run a business, hear them crow when the GST came in and they couldn’t do simple maths! But not to worry they were businessmen.

      In the meantime costs to business went up. Instead of employing people they now had to pay large contracting bills charged by the people they had sacked recently.

      Not only that their Liberal government who knows all about businesses and running them made their costs go up in another two ways. They sold the State owned Electricity companies and the State owned Gas companies.

      As soon as you sell a State asset, the new Private owner increases to price, because they need to deliver a return to Shareholders. Going from the state owned shareholder who had minimal dividends to lots of private shareholders who want huge dividends. Also a management who think they can run an organisation and deserve more wages.

      In Victoria, when the SECV was sold off, 13,200 people lost their jobs. Just before sale the price of electricity went up 10% to make it more saleable. This from a world first organisation which at the time of sale delivered the eighth cheapest Electricity in the OECD.

      What all of these genius politicians don’t realise is that we are a developed country and need to stay that way by maintaining a standard of living. To do that we need to consume, to consume we need disposable income and to get that we need good paying jobs.

      Closing down Industry and making the inputs to industry more expensive isn’t conducive to creating jobs. All we hear is that we want to reduce Taxes. Never do we hear lets reduce (or keep down) the cost of doing business in relation to the Electricity price or the price of gas. All we hear about now is wage theft and 457 visa holders and fruit pickers from overseas because Australians can’t get enough pay to live off those jobs.

      What I am also talking about is a lack of understanding here of how business works. none of the buggers in politics seem to be able to join the dots and they are getting paid shedloads of money as well.

      And then that brings us to the press. controlled by vested interests and manipulators, staffed with sycophants who have no idea either.

      Seriously what hope have we?

      You have the right idea. Finding Laseters reef might be the go. When you find it. Good luck

      All the best Henry. Love reading your thoughts.

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